Phone : 1800 975 711
Located at: South of the Smiling Apple Diner
Sheriff's Department
The Stawk Pine Falls Sheriff's Department is dedicated to ensuring the safety of all Stawk Pine Falls residents with no prejudice or discrimination based on status, race, religious, political affiliations or otherwise.
The primary purpose of the Stawk Pine Falls Sheriff's Department is to maintain social order within prescribed ethical and constitutional limits, while providing professional and courteous law enforcement services. Our fundamental duties are to serve humanity; to safeguard the lives and properties of our citizens; to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation and the peaceful against violence; and to respect the constitutional right of all persons to liberty, equality, and justice. To attain this, the Stawk Pine Falls Sheriff's Department enforces the law in a fair and impartial manner, recognizing both the statutory and judicial limits of our authority and the constitutional rights of all persons.

Stawk Pine Police posing with the latest addition to their team 'Kane Nine'.
Kane Nine is Stawk Pine Fall's leading tracker in the K9 department. Stawk Pine Falls has never been safer with Kane Nine operating on our streets!

Two Stawk Pine Falls officers, not part of the K9 department, gift a young resident a brand new bicycle as thanks for his community activities to help other youngsters struggling in primary education.

Lady Danish, our best K9 Officer, stands proudly in front of Stawk Pine Falls Department with her partner.
We are currently investigating the claims of abduction which have followed from the disappearances of Shelley Antoin, Susan O’Malley and Judy Quilt. At the moment there is no evidence to support that these were abductions. It is likely that this rumour was started out of panic by the public.
I and the rest of our department would like to urge anyone with information to please come forward and contact me at sheriffhstanley@gmail.com.
There is no need to panic.
Note from Deputy Shirley Wilson
If any member of the public is feeling anxious or worried about this situation, please feel free to come down to the station and have a chat with me.
We have free coffee, tea, paper bags to hyperventilate in and eight flavours of donuts!
By: Deputy Shirley Wilson.
Ms Antoin is 26 year old administrative assistant at Gordon Ventures. She was reported missing on Monday morning by her mother Elsie Barstow when she visited Ms Antoin’s home to find the door unlocked. Concerned, Ms Barstow called into Gordon Ventures to find that Ms Antoin had not yet arrived at work. She then filed a missing person’s report immediately. Shelley was last seen at her mother’s Lincoln street house at 9pm on Saturday August 11, where the two had eaten dinner together. Ms Barstow claims that it was out of place for her daughter to not call her (Ms Barstow is known to forget to take her medicine, hence why her daughter calls her every day to remind her).
If you have any information about this case please contact us directly.